It’s been enough time for people to realize that Piper is a very strong brawler. Most people are starting to get the hang of the game, and they are learning to combat brawlers that seemed so OP before. These are a few of the reasons why our tier list is getting updated! Like the previous one, we are using a system that ranks the strongest brawlers S tier all the way to the weakest ones at C tier. However, we recognize that some brawlers are very strong in one particular gamemode, and seem lackluster in the others. This is why this guide uses a ‘sub tier’ system where I will rank the brawler separately for each gamemode. However, do not match those rankings with the average tiers, it is just a system to let you know what each brawler’s best gamemode is! Note: this tier list is purely the author’s opinion at the time of making the list and you may have a separate opinion. Let’s get started!
Rating: 8.0 - 10.0
S Tier includes the best brawlers in the game which are the most common and effective brawlers within the meta game. These Brawlers are consistent in most gamemodes and are fairly easy to play well, but a skilled player can really take these brawlers to the next level.
Brawler/ Rating | Explanation |
![]() Shelly 9.0 | At the top of almost every tier list out there, Shelly doesn’t really have a weakness. Her solid HP, high damage and range, and game changing ultimate ability make her a force to be reckoned with. Her low skill cap makes her easy and fun to play, but a good Shelly player can make the most of her high close range damage. She is great in all gamemodes, and on top of that, she is the first brawler you unlock in the game! SnG Rank: S Bounty Rank: S Heist Rank: S Showdown Rank: S |
![]() Bull 8.8 | Because there are very few tanky brawlers in Brawl Stars, Bull is pretty easily the best of them. His longer range than El Primo makes him able to get his ultimate up easier and his concentrated shotgun damage up close can outdamage even a Shelly. In order to use him to his fullest potential though you will need to sneak around to flank the enemy or they will never let you get close. His high HP and high close range damage makes him a fun and reliable brawler to play as well as make him a good pick in any gamemode. SnG Rank: S Bounty Rank: S Heist Rank: S Showdown Rank: S |
![]() Piper 8.2 | The new brawler Piper has been tearing up the Brawl Stars maps! Her incredible high damage from a long distance makes her very difficult to deal with. Her shots are easy to hit and hard to dodge because of their very quick movement speed. Her ultimate makes her the only long range brawler to have a getaway tactic and it synergizes particularly well with her high damage at long range, low damage at short range basic attack. Her only bad gamemode is Showdown, where she will most likely be put into a lot of close combat situations. Overall, a very high damage brawler if used correctly! SnG Rank: S Bounty Rank: S Heist Rank: S Showdown Rank: C |
Rating: 7.0 - 7.9
A Tier includes brawlers which aren’t considered the top brawlers in the game, but can still be very viable in competitive play. They are viable in most gamemodes, and most are easy to pick up and play. Not as often seen as an S tier brawler, they are still strong.
Brawler/ Rating | Explanation |
![]() 7.8 | Well known as “the king of smash and grab” Mortis can be used well in most gamemodes, but struggles the most in heist as he can’t reliably deal damage to the safe. He can get by in showdown, but if you can master him in SnG then he can carry your team to victory. He has many counters though, so do not allow your dashes to make you feel like you are invincible. If you cannot use his dashes well then you will never see his full potential. He is probably the most difficult brawler to learn but one of the most rewarding to master. Definitely figure him out if you are lucky enough to obtain him. SnG Rank: S Bounty Rank: A Heist Rank: C Showdown Rank: B |
![]() Colt 7.8 | The best common sharpshooter, Colt’s multitude of bullets allow him to be a forgivable sniper, still dealing plenty of damage without needing to hit all of his shots. He is the best long range sniper up close because he can hit every shot easily and has a quick reload time. His ultimate is less forgivable though, as it can be difficult to hit enemies for a huge amount of damage. Although not as strong as Piper, Colt’s high amount of damage and versatility allow him to be A tier. SnG Rank: S Bounty Rank: S Heist Rank: S Showdown Rank: C |
![]() Nita 7.6 | Once thought to be OP, Nita’s untameable bears weaknesses are being exploited. Her bear is easily kiteable, although stand still while it is on your tail and you will find yourself the victim of its angry paw swings. Her bear is great for zoning enemies into groups, which combos very well with her splash basic attack. By herself she isn’t great at 1v1 fights, but with the help of her bear the enemy will find themselves taking a lot more damage than they first thought. Overall, Nita is a easy to play, useful brawler and definitely deserves A tier. SnG Rank: A Bounty Rank: A Heist Rank: B Showdown Rank: A |
![]() Poco 7.4 | Being the only current healer in the game and having almost undodgeable basic attacks, Poco is automatically a strong brawler. Why he doesn’t shoot up to S tier is the low skill ceiling. It is very easy to master him, and not a large reward if you do put in a lot of time into playing him. That being, he is a very fun brawler to just pick up and play and is great with working with his team. His range nerf definitely did help him be less powerful, but he can save games with his team heal ultimate ability. For these reasons, he made the A tier. SnG Rank: S Bounty Rank: A Heist Rank: A Showdown Rank: B |
![]() Spike 7.4 | Spike is a source of high damage and crowd control. His long range, high damage spikes allow him to create a ton of havoc before even getting his game changing ultimate. If his damaging and slowing ultimate catches you, you are most likely dead if Spike has a teammate nearby. Used correctly, he is a very dangerous weapon that can completely turn around a game if he catches multiple opponents in his ultimate. Out of everyone on the A tier, he is the closest to becoming S tier. His opponents usually find him as a thorn in their side. (Forgive the pun) SnG Rank: S Bounty Rank: A Heist Rank: A Showdown Rank: B |
Rating: 6.0 - 6.9
The B Tier has brawlers that aren’t popular in the meta, but can pop up from time to time with skilled players and good strategies. They have their strengths, but most are better in certain situations. They either take quite a bit of skill to play well, or don’t have a high ceiling for potential, possibly both.
Brawler/ Rating | Explanation |
![]() Bo 6.8 | Bo is the least powerful of the epics, although one of the most difficult to play well. He has a lesser impact on the game than the other epics because he can’t singlehandedly win the game for his team very well. He is versatile, doing well on most gamemodes, but what really hold him back is his ultimate. Yes, it is strong as a zoning tool, but if you know how to play against it then it isn’t as effective as most other ultimates. However, he definitely can dish out high damage if you know how to use him correctly. He just isn’t quite there to make it to A tier. SnG Rank: A Bounty Rank: B Heist Rank: B Showdown Rank: B |
![]() El Primo 6.8 | This mexican wrestler used to be OP in the first few weeks, but he has fallen a long way. His versatility and easy-to-use playstyle made him a quick favourite brawler to many people. Unfortunately for Primo fans, his short range and easily kiteable nature made him easily avoided. Much like the Sparky of clash royale, he destroys people who don’t know how to deal with him. He quickly was replaced by Bull, whose longer range and higher skill playstyle made El Primo the common replacement of Bull. Don’t be fooled by El Primo’s sad story though. He is a great beginner brawler and can destroy opponents if they give him the chance. SnG Rank: B Bounty Rank: A Heist Rank: B Showdown Rank: S |
![]() Crow 6.7 | Unlike El Primo, Crow is being discovered as a stronger brawler than everyone initially thought. His poison is useful for keeping brawlers out of the fight for longer, because they can’t regenerate health while his poison slowly ticks damage on them. His mediocre damage and health force him to be lower on the tier list, but if played well and in combination with the right brawlers, Crow can be a real threat in the gem mine. SnG Rank: A Bounty Rank: B Heist Rank: C Showdown Rank: B |
![]() Dynamike 6.5 | This brawler is often thought as one of the worst brawlers in the game, but if you play Dynamike well, he can carry a game with a highlight 3 man ultimate. Dynamike has a similar attack to Barley’s, as both have a delayed damage shot in an area. Dynamike can use his shots to zone enemies and if placed correctly, they can 2 hit a squishy damage dealer. Most people believe that Dynamike is only strong at lower levels, but a good Dynamike player can bring a game back in your team’s favour. He is good in most gamemodes especially heist, which gives him the potential to be A tier if played by a strong player. SnG Rank: A Bounty Rank: B Heist Rank: S Showdown Rank: C |
![]() Jessie 6.4 | This scrappy mechanic works a lot like Nita, in the way that she spawns another unit to deal damage to enemies. She is weaker than Nita though, because you can simply stay away from her turret to be safe and her attack does less damage. However, the turret is great for zoning enemies away from a certain area of the map like the gem mine. Her basic attack is unique in the way that it continues to try to hit the next closest enemy brawler to the enemy she hits with it. This allows her to be able to scout ot hidden enemies and land multiple shots at once. Her low health and damage drop her down to B tier, despite her unique attack. SnG Rank: A Bounty Rank: B Heist Rank: C Showdown Rank: B |
Rating: 5.0 - 5.9
The C Tier contains brawlers which are almost unseen within the meta, as they are essentially useless in the meta.
Brawler/ Rating | Explanation |
![]() Barley 5.6 | He has a similar delayed zoning mechanic to Dynamike, but doesn’t really deal adequate damage per attack. Most more advanced brawlers will not stay in his poison (Or whatever he throws) to take the second tick of damage. Dynamike is simply a better version of Barley, except in Heist where Barley shines. SnG Rank: B Bounty Rank: C Heist Rank: S Showdown Rank: C |
![]() Brock 5.4 | Brock is one of the the weakest of the high damage, low health ranged brawlers. His shots go far too slow to hit reliably, and is just outshined by the likes of Piper and Colt. His ultimate is the best thing that he can bring to the brawl, but requires him to hit a lot of his shots to get, which is a problem with Brock. If you can be accurate with his shots, you will most likely be better off with Colt or Piper. SnG Rank: B Bounty Rank: B Heist Rank: A Showdown Rank: C |
![]() Ricochet 5.3 | And last but not least- okay; maybe Ricochet is the worst brawler in the game according to most people. Yes, his shots bounce off walls, allowing him to be able to be effective from odd angles and yes, he has the longest range in the game, but his ultimate is basically a higher damage version of his basic attack, so he can be outshined by even Brock. He also has the lowest health in the game at 500, so a Piper with max attack can take him out in one hit at her max range. As if he wasn’t a bad enough brawler already… His unique ability to ricochet shots is the only reason why you would pick him, but there is just a lot of better options. SnG Rank: B Bounty Rank: B Heist Rank: C Showdown Rank: C |
So in conclusion, that was my tier list on the brawlers of the game currently. I apologize if I offended anyone with where I placed your favorite brawlers, this is just the opinion of me and in most cases, the general Brawl Stars community. If you disagree with my placements, then feel free to put it in the comments, but not without a good reason to back it up! If you like this article, there will be more to come, and feel free to check me out at my Twitter, @Awfulwaffles1 (I don’t have many followers as I recently created it) and DM me to ask any questions. If you wish to join my band, it’s Greater Design (Top 150 NA) where we are looking to shape the Brawl Stars community. Lastly, watch out for more of my articles on this site in the future!
Happy brawling! :)
Brawler/ Rating | Explanation |
![]() Mortis 8.7 | The latest balance changes saw Mortis lose some range on his dash. Despite that he has been absolutely dominating the meta. He may not have a strong attack, but try shooting him with that kind of agility. There isn’t a single game mode where Mortis doesn’t create havoc. |
![]() Bull 8.4 | Bull is the best tank in the game, and is seen all throughout the meta. His high damage and medium range allow him to demolish the competition with ease. Although he doesn’t do well in open areas, his super move does a great job mitigating that flaw by closing large gaps between enemies. |
![]() El Primo 8.3 | The second-best tank in the game goes to El Primo, this high flying Mexican wrestler can deal great damage while providing excellent tankage. His biggest flaw is that he’s close ranged and can be countered by every brawler in the game if they play it well, luckily for El Primo that is still a very difficult task. |
![]() Colt 8.2 | It took the community a long time to see how useful Colt can be, he can provide great damage from a distance, and be a nuisance to and medium or short-range brawlers. He is starting to become common place throughout the meta. |
![]() Shelly 8.2 | At the top of almost every tier list out there, Shelly doesn’t really have a weakness. Her solid HP, high damage and range, and game changing ultimate ability make her a force to be reckoned with. Her low skill cap makes her easy and fun to play, but a good Shelly player can make the most of her high close range damage. She is great in all gamemodes, and on top of that, she is the first brawler you unlock in the game! |
Brawler/ Rating | Explanation |
![]() Nita 7.8 | Nita received both a buff and a nerf in the first balance update. This has not changed her status within the meta game. Her bear is what really separates her from the brawlers below her as it essentially provides a mobile tank. Nita is very versatile, but is outclassed by the above brawlers. |
![]() Spike 7.5 | This is the first of two legendary brawlers within the game. He isn’t very common in the meta at the moment because of his rarity. However he is very strong, and his super ability synergizes well with other brawlers. |
![]() Barley 7.3 | Barley’s main attack is nothing too special, he shines bright when he unleashes his super ability and scorches the earth that the enemy walks on. He is able to quickly dispose of many brawlers very easily if he is able to obtain his super ability. |
![]() Poco 7.2 | Poco fell victim to a range nerf, which unfortunately made Poco fall from the top tier. Although Poco makes an excellent support brawler to any set up with his healing capabilities. |
Brawler/ Rating | Explanation |
![]() Bo 6.9 | Bo was buffed in the latest balance change with a quicker reload time. Although still very difficult to use in the meta, this was the difference maker from him being in the C Tier. His super ability synergizes well with other brawlers, and is great for defensive capabilities. |
![]() Jessie 6.6 | Jessie just simply does not do enough damage for how little health she has. Although her turret is great at defending open areas and shutting down lanes, she does not have a viable enough use in this current meta game. |
Brawler/ Rating | Explanation |
![]() Dynamike 5.5 | The problem with Dynamike is that he doesn’t deal nearly enough damage with an attack that is already hard to land due to its small area of effect. Although he is a decent area of denial brawler, he just isn’t viable for the current meta. |
![]() Ricochet 5.3 | It’s no surprise that with the lowest health in the game that Ricochet ended up in the C Tier. Although he received a buff in the first balance change he is still one of the worst choices for a long distance combatant. |
![]() Brock 5.2 | The only thing brock really has going for him is his super ability which can be quite lethal over large areas. However his main attack travels slowly and quite frankly does not deal very much damage. Brock is quite useless in the current meta with all the tanks and decent spreads of the top brawlers. |
Brawler/ Rating | Explanation |
![]() Crow ? | The author hasn’t encountered enough Crows to make a proper assessment. |
![]() Minigunner ? | This Brawler is currently unavailable. |
![]() Sniper ? | This Brawler is currently unavailable. |