People me and my friend are looking for New recruits for event our motto is to play the event and winn iff people dont play they are getting kicked so that we can get good rewards
#RJOQ8LCC required trophies EA Sports Elite club [10000] but, can negotiate
My goal for this club is to create a Collaborative, engaging environment. in the Future my Goal is to become one of the top clubs I know it’s high expectations, but I will enjoy the journey No sweat more details in club description EA Sports Elite club
Total Trophies : 1 million
Mega Pig : Allways Max
Members : 30/30
Required Trophies : 30000
Requirements : be active,no toxicity
Total Trophies : 30k(new club)
Mega Pig : Max,when we got 15-20 active members
Members : 2/30
Required Trophies : 0
Requirements : be active,no toxicity
**RECRUITING** active members who will **CONTRIBUTE** *all tickets* to megapig :tickets:
~~**20,000**~~**15,000** trophy requirement and is **ADJUSTABLE** :trophy:
**NO TOXICITY** and looking for supportive members
Spots are **LIMITED**, so join while you can
# Our club **MAXED OUT** megapig
We also have a **DISCORD SERVER**
**Preffered Language and Region****ENGLISH/EUROPE**
***DM*** *me for invite or **MORE INFO***
```We are currently full, however we are rapidly recruiting in our second clan in order to assemble a 30/30 club.```