After losing his fans to rival band, Poco fills every waking moment trying to find the perfect riff to win it all back.
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Unite type
Pull from Brawl Box
Spend 10 Chips to buy
Very wide normal attack to hit entire enemy team or multiple targets, extremely strong at denying areas.
Insanely powerful super move to heal entire team to change a losing teamfight into a decisive victory.
Normal attack is a wave, not a projectile, so it cannot be dodged within range unless it is blocked by a wall.
Even after nerf, still fairly high range on normal attack.
Slow recharge on normal attack.
Not a strong solo duelist.
Relies on team, if team is bad, Poco can not do much.
Upgrade priority
Health allows you to continuously harass the enemy team and power up your super.
A stronger super move will allow you to heal teammates more, so they can fight more
Attack is not that important as Poco should not be the main damage source for the team, but it allows for more poke onto enemy team
Strategies & tips
General strategies
Do not stand close to enemies, you can continuously harass the enemy to open up opportunities for your teammates to engage.
Make the enemies miss by walking back and forth and sideways, then poke. - If you can flank against a team with low burst potential, you can possibly flank the enemy and trap them between your AOE and your team.
Use your larger width to bother enemies and use walks to protect yourself.
Primary attack
Walk up, shoot your wave and walk back to harass enemies and avoid damage.
Try to hit multiple enemies to charge your super more effectively - Know the large width of your normal attack in order to catch enemies trying to dodge sideways from your team's shots.
Try not to spam normal attack, the regeneration is slow and you may want to use your attacks in groups of two, to get a larger chunk.
Super ability
As of last balance change, your super can heal teammates through walls, so take advantage of enemies not being able to always hit through walls to give your team a boost
Heal all of your team at once if you can, but do not allow someone to die just to get a 3 man heal - Understand that your super is a wave, not an instaheal, so if you time incorrectly on a moving teammate the heal might not affect them.
Try to find boxes grouped together in two or three, as box clear is pretty slow.
Do not fight early, but if you can poke try to charge your super.
Don't worry about aiming super, there are no teammates to heal.
Check bushes every time you have 3 attacks stored, it can save your life - Allow others to fight and try to stay near the gas, but not in a position you can be trapped in easily.