
Dodging Guide

Brawl Stars Dodging Guide, How to Dodge.
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New Brawler: Darryl!
update 06/07/2017

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Brawl Stars is a game full of projectiles shooting around, and to win normally some killing is going to happen. And for killing, damage needs to happen. You need to actually hit your shots in succession to kill someone before they regenerate health, but this can be difficult if they dodge well. This guide will be on dodging techniques so you can stay alive more easily. Keep in mind: for every brawler a good, but difficult, dodge technique is to go through the enemy, so they will miss shots, though it is to be noted that this is not as effective against Dynamike or Barley.


El Primo
El Primo
El Primo has technically the shortest range in the game, as Mortis is the only other melee character, but his dashes are much longer. Stay far back and maintain distance while you shoot at him, this will allow you to kill him, force a retreat from him, or enable your team to finish him.
Bull has high health, the second highest in the game, but his damage is not that high if you stay further back. He needs to be very close to get the full shell normal attack, so even if you stay in his range but not closer, you should be able to outtrade him. His cone of damage gets narrower the closer you get to him, but the risk for a higher damage shot goes up as you get closer, if you can predict his shots you can walk around him and he can miss many shots while you land yours.


Colt shoots from a position in comparison to him, so if you are already out of his path of fire and move with him, you will stay out of the shots. They go in a line and he cannot change firing direction, though it is important to remember he can still move. Just move sideways out of the fire, make sure he does not move with you too effectively, and you will dodge every shot. Try strafing back and forth to make him miss the initial stream of bullets as well.
Walk back and forth to easily dodge his shots, they are very narrow but high damage. He will have to use prediction shots, do not stand too close to teammates to avoid massive AOE damage. Also bait by walking linearly then walking back right as he shoots, the missile will go wide.
Her shots are very slow, just move erratically, not predictably. The real danger of her shots is the bounce, if your teammate is directly next to you and gets hit there is no time for you to dodge. Position yourself well so teammates will not get you hurt.
Ricochet is very similar to Colt, except his bullets bounce. Use the back and forth walking to make him miss his stream of bullets, but you must also be careful of hiding to side cover. If you are too close, he can shoot around the corner and hit you with the bounce, this can kill you if you are trying to retreat from a bad fight. Be aware of bounce opportunities and walk erratically.
Crow throws 3 blades in a fan, so at longer rangers you can dodge between the blades. The poison is very annoying as it prevents you from regenerating health for longer than usual damage, be aware of prediction shots and be confident in your dodging. If you stand still in correct position the knives will pass around you.
Bo is quite easy to dodge if you walk linearly then walk backwards on his release. His arrows can be placed separately, unlike the shots of Ricochet and Colt. Watch out for the AOE shots and you will be fine, he is tankier now due to the update but his damage is not too high, dodging is quite easy.
Piper shoots bullets that do very large amounts of damage and move very fast, but the shot is quite skinny. Dodging these is similar to Jessie dodging, but this one is much faster. Use the strafing technique and you will be fine, all of the shots will go wide if Piper cannot predict your movements.


Shelly is quite difficult to dodge, as she fights well close and far. Try to stay very far, many characters outrange her so if you do you can stay out of her range. Her far range damage is not very high, and close up it is harder for her to aim but the damage is higher, similar to Bull. Go close and walk around her erratically to dodge well, this will make it extremely difficult for Shelly to aim, but if she lands a shot it will do massive damage.
Walk perpendicular to him, his dash is very narrow. His dash is his main movement and damage, if it misses he will be far less effective. Just juke back and forth while walking perpendicular to his dash path, you will be able to avoid the quick strike of the shovel.
Spike's cacti seeds shoot spikes in a star shape, if you stand correctly out of the way you will never be hit. These are extremely easy to dodge and predict, but beware of multiple seeds. Watch out while chasing him, it will be easier for him to predict your movements and hit you.
Barley has fairly low damage, slow throw speed, and kill potential, but you still want to dodge his shots. Just move linearly and change direction at the last second, it is extremely difficult for him to hit you if you do this. If you walk at him, wait for him to throw, then back off, he will miss many shots and waste them.
Mike's damage is fairly high, but his explosion time is pretty slow. Walk back and forth while changing directions and patterns when he throws, he will usually throw to predict your pattern and if you change it, he will almost always miss. Walk at him and back similarly to Barley to force misses.
Poco is the hardest brawler to dodge in most people's opinions due to his fairly long range and width of his shot. Try to stay very far away, out of his range, in order to hit him while he cannot hit you. If your range is not that long, you will have to use walls to sneak up on him, but this is incredibly difficult without team support. Walk around a corner and backwards to make him shoot waves that will miss.


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People me and my friend are looking for New recruits for event our motto is to play the event and...
I recommend you try nulls brawl ( it gives you complete access to all ...
This is so dated lol Here from 2024
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